Manhood with a C.A.U.S.E.!
Commited, Accountable, Uncompromising, Strength and Empowering
True Manhood
Father is derived from the Latin word pater: a man who has engendered a child, a male parent, or a person who takes responsibility for protecting, caring, and rearing. It is only since the early 1980s that there has been a public and professional focus on the more affective use of the termfather—to protect, care for, and nurture children.
What can I do?
Manhood with a CAUSE team works with the pastor and his core group of men, helping equip them to develop sustainable male leadership in their local church. We offer a process (a Tool Box if you will) for pastor and his leadership team to disciple / mentor their men to become spiritual leaders and impact the world they live in.
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Manhood with a C.A.U.S.E.!
Committed, Accountable, Uncompromising, Strength and Empowering
Manhood with a C.A.U.S.E. (Committed, Accountable, Uncompromising, Strength and Empowering) is an enrichment initiative that will endeavor to provide men/fathers with life skills, training and support to help develop and reestablish the rightful intention for manhood.
Workshops/Conference/Virtual/ Individual Sessions
What can we do? We work with individuals, leadership team or groups, helping equip them to become men that will impact the world they live in. We use a number of different teaching strategies, including a facilitation-discussion model to raise consciousness by encouraging open dialogue. Our workshops/conferences, are tailored to meet the needs of men and their families.